Do you also want to save time on yearly maintenance work?
Did you know that Rope Access in combination with permanent systems can provide a faster and safer way of working?
Before you realize, it's already time for the yearly maintenance to your building or installation. Not every situation is easy accessible and sometimes Rope Access may seem the only way. Height Safety Support offers solutions that make Rope Access easier to use.
The Rope Access Technicians working as facade cleaners, window washers or 'riggers' often have to install temporary anchor points in difficult places in order to be able to do maintenance safely. Installing temporary anchor points then takes a lot of time and the situation is not always clear.
In reality it appears that a combination of Rope Access with permanent systems can provide more efficiency, a better overview and a safer way of working.
Periodic operations are repeating actions. It saves time and money when you can use permanent present certified and marked anchor points or rail systems. For the user, it's just a matter of hooking up and getting to work.
Our partners
Fervent Services &
Hubble People use our permanent safety systems during Rope Access. Do you also use Rope Access and would you like to know more about working faster and safer in combination with our systems please
contact us.
APR 2021 | 23.500
Permanente randbeveiliging geplaatst
Wij werken momenteel aan het project
OKT 2022 I 30.150 M1
Permanente randbeveiliging geplaatst