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Height Safety Support

The story of Jelle -

What do you do if you are temporarily unable to follow your passion as a mountain guide? 


As an internationally recognized ski and mountain guide I am on the road in the mountains all year round. In doing so, my key expertise is ensuring safety. Due to corona, traveling became more difficult and I was forced to look for income in the Netherlands. That is why I ended up at Height Safety Support. Height Safety Support is specialized in working safely at heights in often industrial environments. Despite my experience on high and difficult mountains, this way of working was completely new and therefore very educational. Because sometimes work is done with machines that have the potential to damage the ropes you hang from while working, you have to make sure you have double protection. Despite the often difficult working conditions, Height Safety Support is always keen on safety and has it as its top priority. Because this often forms a contrast with 'working fast' and the commercial interest, it is a challenge to find a good balance in this. At Height Safety Support we always come up with a solution that is fast, efficient but also safe to work with and that is in the interest of the customer, the employer and the employee. So everyone is happy! And for me personally it was a fun and educational experience that I will take with me on my next expeditions and trips. 

Height Safety Support and Alpinism!

This unique combination of industrial and alpine experience makes Height Safety Support the preferred installer of permanent alpine solutions. If you also want a real mountain guide on your roof, please contact us. 


door Height Safety Support 24 juni 2022
Bulls Eye -> Meet our Safety Bull
door Height Safety Support 24 juni 2022
Bulls Eye -> Meet our Safety Bull
door Height Safety Support 13 juni 2022
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Follow our stories and updates on Instagram
door Height Safety Support 1 juni 2022
Why is guardrail protection the Number 1?
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Waarom staat randbeveiliging op 1?
door Height Safety Support 18 mei 2022
Het verhaal van Jelle -
door Height Safety Support 17 mei 2022
Het verhaal van Rik -
door Height Safety Support 17 mei 2022
 The story of Rik -
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